Monday, May 26, 2008

Samuel's First Hike

Adam was off for Memorial Day so we drove up to the Smoky Mtns to go hiking. Since this was Samuel's first hike walking on his own (we've always had him in the backpack before) we picked a simple trail. Laurel Falls is 1.2 miles each way and is paved the entire way. Samuel walked most of the way there, but rode Adam's shoulders most of the way back. I guess he was too tired to walk after playing in the waterfall.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Handy Samuel

Samuel loves the Disney show Handy Manny. Adam was gone for training and brought Samuel back this tool set. He loved it because it has a tool belt and gloves like Handy Manny. He liked the hat and the goggles too, but I think his favorite thing was the flashlight.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Silly Pictures

Samuel sitting in his toy bucket

I came upstairs to get Samuel from his nap and found him like this. Yes, his foot is in the cup holder. He got it stuck and couldn't get it out.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Samuel Got a Sandbox

Samuel has wanted a sandbox ever since he played in Noah and Jack's last year. We finally got him one this weekend. He loves it! The first day we got it, he played in it for over 4 hours straight and then cried when we made him come in!


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