Tuesday, September 29, 2009

PreK - Week 7

It took us awhile to get this week of school finished. Samuel got sick with the flu earlier this week and so we took a few days off. He's back to his old self now though.

This week we started learning the letter R. Samuel learned to write lowercase r. We will work on uppercase r next week.

We read about some more of Jesus' miracles - feeding 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fishes, walking on water, raising Lazarus from the dead, and healing 10 men who were lepers. Samuel has also been working on his AWANA verses each week for Cubbies and he's been doing a great job.

We also read books about frogs and did a few frog crafts. For some reason, I ddin't get very many pictures this week. I'll have to do better from now on.

Samuel working on his R letter sheet

Working in his phonics workbook

Coloring, cutting, and pasting together a frog life cycle

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Stingrays vs Jellyfish

Samuel had his second soccer game today. I forgot my camera last week for the first game so I don't have any pictures of that one. Today was picture day, and we decided not to order any pics this season. The last 2 seasons they haven't come out that great so we decided to just take some ourselves before the game.

Samuel has actually been playing at practice and in the games this season. He seems to really be into soccer this year so we'll see if he keeps it up all season. Here he is warming up before the game.

Resting before the game starts

Adam telling his team to keep their eyes on the ball!
Look, he's actually running down the field with the other kids this year!

Kicking the ball in after it went out of bounds

Monday, September 14, 2009

PreK - Week 6

This week we read about some more of Jesus' miracles - raising a man from the dead, calming the storm, raising a girl from the dead,and making a blind man see. Samuel also started back in AWANA for the year so we have been working on his Bible verses and stories for Cubbies also.

This week we continued with the letter T and started learning how to write a capital T. He is doing a great job with writing his letters. I think in a couple more weeks I'm going to move our language arts and handwriting back up to full speed. We've been taking 2 weeks to do 1 week of work because he seemed to have a hard time with all the writing and complained a lot that his hand hurt. He's doing a lot better now and I think he can handle doing all the work now.

We've been reading books this week about fish and fishermen. We did a couple of fish crafts. My favorite was a whale that we made. Samuel had to cut it out and put it together, but then he insisted on having me draw Jonah inside the whale's tummy. It was pretty funny! He loves the story of Jonah.

We have started getting a little bit busier now that public schools are back in session. During the school year, we have AWANA at church and this year, Samuel is old enough for Children's Choir and Kids on Mission on Sunday nights. He loves both of them and is super excited that he is now a "big kid". He is also playing soccer again this season and is doing a lot better this time then he did last season. I'll have some pics from his games up soon.

Anyway, here's some school pics for this week.

Working in his Explode the Code book (phonics practice)
Making a fish - he had to color the shapes, then cut them out and arrange them in the shape of a fish
The finished fish - yes, he ignored the colors it had listed and used his own
You can't really tell from the picture but this was a pop-up fish he made. It folds closed like a card and then when you open it, the fish pops up. It was pretty neat.
Working on writing his address
Working in his workbook from Rod & Staff - they teach readiness skills like following directions, left to right, cutting, pasting, etc. He loves these workbooks and they were cheap!
Working on his whale - it was another one that had to be colored and then cut and glued in the right configuration
See Jonah?


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