Monday, January 25, 2010

PreK - Week 19

This week we continued with Unit 2 - The People Sin. We read about Adam and Eve's sin, Cain and Abel, and Noah and the flood in history. We also continued working on Ephesians 6:1 as our memory verse this week.

For science, we made a boat out of aluminum foil and floated it in the sink. We added one penny at a time to see how many it could hold without sinking. Samuel's boat held 25 pennies, mine was able to hold 68 before sinking! Then we talked about how boats have to be built a certain way to be able to stay afloat and how God had told Noah exactly how to build the ark so that it could carry Noah, his family, and all the animals safely.

We continued reading about Reddy Fox and found out that his showing off got him into big trouble. He wasn't paying attention and got shot in the leg by Farmer Brown's boy and is now lame. Samuel drew a picture of Reddy Fox and his injured leg.

In math, Samuel has been learning to write the numbers 6-10. He's doing a pretty good job with most of them. He especially likes it when I let him practice on the dry-erase board.

In language arts, we started learning the letter C this week. Samuel is doing a great job with his handwriting and his reading. He is just a couple of weeks away from finishing up the 1st grade level of Hooked on Phonics. In the past couple of weeks he has really taken off and tries to read anything he sees -- food packages, words on signs, any books laying around, etc.

Practicing handwriting
Working on his C letter page

Math - Samuel had to write out certain numbers and then put the corresponding number of stickers next to them
Not sure what's going on in this picture but it cracks me up. The towel was the Garden of Eden and I gave Samuel various directions to follow like walk around the garden, dig outside the garden, be happy in the garden, etc
I think this was him digging or planting outside the garden

Working on Explode the Code workbook
More math - he was gluing the right amount of cheerio's on each number

Writing a sentence about Reddy Fox...
...and a picture of Reddy Fox. The orange thing around his neck is a bandana. Normally Samuel colors really well, but it looks like he scribbled brown all over this one. I asked him about it and he said that is because Reddy has lots of fur.

Making his boat...
...and it floats!

Friday, January 15, 2010

PreK - Week 18

We had another great week with Little Hearts for His Glory (LHFHG). Since this is a Kindergarten/First Grade program and Samuel is only PreK right now, we have only been doing it 3 days a weeks. We do phonics, handwriting, and math everyday and read library books about whatever we've been studying in history and science on the days we don't do LHFHG.

So, the first part of this week we finished up Unit 1 - The Beginning of History. We read the story of creation and talked about how God had created the world, the animals, and Adam and Eve. For science, we read about several different animals that God has made. We continued learning Matthew 19:14 and Samuel amazed me at how well he could say it! We've still been reading about Reddy Fox for storytime, and Samuel loves the story. Reddy Fox has been showing off and thinking he's smart and has gotten himself into a bit of trouble. One of his assignments this week was to write a note to Reddy Fox warning him about being too bold. Here's what he wrote:

Dear Reddy Fox,
Stop thinking you are so smart. You are going to get hurt by Bowser the Hound. Farmer Brown will be so mad. Don't take the chickens! Bowser the Hound will trap the chicken into the trash can and you won't get any Reddy Fox!

At the end of the week, we started Unit 2 - The People Sin. We read about Adam and Eve disobeying God by eating the fruit and having to leave the Garden of Eden. For science, we read about snakes and Samuel picked out a bunch of snake books from the library to read. We also started learning Ephesians 6:1 - "Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right" for our memory verse.

In math, we have been working on counting objects which is mainly just review for Samuel. We are also working on writing the numbers 1-5 probably. He's had a bit of trouble with 2's and 3's but I think he's getting the hang of them now.

This week was a review week for our language arts program, so we didn't work on any new letters. Here, Samuel had to pick up a picture, tell me what letter it started with and what sound it made, and then write the letter on the white board.

After reading about God creating animals in the sea and on land for history, and then reading about some of those animals in science, we played a game. The blue paper represents water and the black paper represents land. I named various animals and Samuel had to stand on the correct paper showing if they lived in the land or the water.
Working on his math workbook
Coloring in one of his Rod & Staff workbooks

Friday, January 8, 2010

PreK - Week 17

This was our first week back to school after Christmas break. It was also our first week of Little Hearts for His Glory. Samuel really liked it. After our first day, he said, "Mom, this is like the first school we did. I loved that school!" After asking him a few questions to figure out what he meant, I found out he was talking about when we did Little Hands To Heaven. His excitement made me glad that we had decided to switch back. So, what did we do this week....

Little Hearts is a broad overview of world history from Creation to the present day, so we started this week by learning what history is. We talked about how history began when God created the world, and will end when He returns to take us home. We also talked about how Jesus was the most important person in history and how all history before Him looked towards His death and resurrection, and how all of us now look back to it.

We also have been doing a rhyme and motions called God's Creation that teaches the names of the 7 continents. Samuel loves this and asks to do it several times a day. He even made Daddy do it with us one day when he was home.

Each week, there is a memory verse and devotions that go along with it. This week's verse was Matthew 19:14. I had planned to go over the verses with Samuel, but not really make him work too hard at memorizing it since he has AWANA verses too, but he suprised me on the second day by having the verse completely memorized. The devotions come from the book Devotions for the Children's Hour and Samuel seems to really enjoy them. This week we talked about who God is and where He came from (he has always been).

We also started reading The Adventures of Reddy Fox. Samuel looks forward to finding out what kind of mischief Reddy will get into each day. I've been suprised at how well he listens because the book has very few pictures, but he's done very well.

Here's some pictures of some other things we did...

Samuel waddling like a penguin on Antarctica (it was part of the rhyme we did)
For math, he wrote the numbers 1-5 and then had to glue the appropriate number of Cheerio's next to each one.

Working on his readiness skills workbook
One of the activities to help learn his Bible verse. We played "basketball" with a pair of rolled up socks. Each time we made a basket, we had to recite the verse. He did great!

Another math activity...we filled a ziploc bag with liquid soap. I would set out a certain number of legos and he had to "write" the correct number
Working on an art project to illustrate that Jesus is at the center of history. We tore up black paper and then created a collage for the background. Then we put the cross in the middle.

One of Samuel's language arts worksheets. We've been working on the letter I this week and he had to draw a picture of something that started with I. He drew an igloo. That's the abominable snowman standing in the doorway.


Last night we got some more snow. There wasn't a lot on the ground, but it was enough to make our driveway a solid sheet of ice. Samuel wanted to sled and Adam had the bright idea of using his sandbox lid as a sled since we don't have an actual sled. Samuel loved flying down our driveway!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas with the Howards!

The Tuesday after Christmas we drove up to Virginia to stay with Aunt Jennifer, Uncle Scott, Noah and Jack for a few days. Grandma and Gramps (Stephanie's parents) and Uncle Jon and his girlfriend, Kristin, were there as well. We missed getting to see Uncle Steven and Aunt Lydia this year!

Tuesday was Grandma's birthday, so we all went out to dinner that night. We were going to wait until the next evening to open gifts, but the kids just couldn't wait so we went ahead and did them that night. The kids all had a lot of fun and enjoyed all their gifts. Jen & Scott had gotten their kids a Wii for Christmas so we spent many hours over the next few days playing Wii bowling, canoeing, ping pong, frisbee golf, and many more fun games. Even Grandma and Gramps enjoyed the Wii!

Since we were in Virginia and it was cold and snowy, we really didn't get a chance to go out and do anything. We just mainly stayed at the house, played Wii, and let the three little guys play and have fun as long as the didn't kill each other. There were no serious bodily injuries so I guess that worked out OK. We got up Saturday morning and drove home.

Adam has been off work since Christmas Eve and Samuel and I have been off school since Dec. 13th so Monday will be back to normal. We'll see how that goes!

I'm not sure what Samuel was doing in this picture, but the face cracks me up!
Jon and Kristin get cake pans for their respective teams - Tennessee and Michigan.
Dad was super excited about Season 5 of Lost
Maybe I should have really given him Froot Loops. He looks pretty excited about them and he doesn't even know that there's a shirt inside -- yet!
Mom checking out the carbs in the huge box of candy Jon got her. Guess she should have told him she was going low carb!
Jack and Noah - What did Uncle Jon get us now? A human hamster ball! Cool! How many ways can we injure ourselves in this?
A Clone Trooper helmet! Uncle Jon is the best! (Mommy's glad it wasn't a human hamster ball like Noah and Jacks!)
Of course, Jon has to play with all the kids' toys.


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