One thing that was really cool this week was that on of the theaters in town is doing Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat this year. The official show doesn't start until March, but the last two weeks of February they did free preview shows for county residents. We took Samuel and he absolutely loved it! It was a good performance and even though it was somewhat modernized, Samuel was able to follow the story and knew what was going on because of his Bible stories earlier this week.
This was a review weeek in language arts so we didn't learn any new letters. He did a couple of worksheets and some copywork to review the letters he's learned so far.
Our new memory verse for the next couple of weeks is Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.
We've continued reading and enjoying The Adventures of Reddy Fox. Samuel still gets so excited when I pull this book out. Hopefully he'll enjoy the others in the series when we get to them as well.
In math, we worked on recognizing and drawing shapes. Samuel already knew his shapes so it was more of a review for him. We also started learning how to sort objects according to their attributes. For instance, one day we took several of his train cars and sorted them by color, then we mixed them all back up and sorted them by how many wheels they had, then we sorted them by whether or not they carried cargo, etc. He had a lot of fun with that.
Working on one of his art projects. We wrote his name on a piece of black paper and then he used a nails to punch holes in his name. Then we put a yellow piece of paper behind it so his name would show through. It was supposed to illustrate that even though we try to hide (or run away like Jacob) God knows our hearts.
This was probably Samuel's favorite art project that we've done so far. He made an Egyptian collar out of a paper plate. He actually took his time painting and decorating and didn't rush through it like most of his projects.
Working on copywork