This week we had a lot of fun finishing up Unit 8 – Israel’s First Kings and starting Unit 9 – The Time of the Prophets. Samuel’s been doing a great job. We’ve been doing Little Hearts at half speed since he was younger than the age range when we started and we were going to take 2 years to do it. He’s been doing so well that I think in a few weeks I’m going to go ahead and bump him up to full speed and just plan on finishing it by the end of his Kindergarten year. Anyway, here’s what we’ve been up to this week.
Reading about Solomon becoming king and building God’s temple and about Elijah and the prophets of Baal…
Learning to write the letter Q… (Sidenote: We are finally done with Sonlight LA K and I am so glad. I bought it last year when I thought we were going to do Sonlight and stuck with it since I had it, but I am so glad to be done with it and on to something new. It had a lot of busy work!)
Finished learning Psalms 56:3…
Started learning our new memory verse, Philippians 2:14 – Do everything without finding fault or arguing…
Continued making progress with Hooked on Phonics. Everyday Samuel counts to see how many stickers he has left to get before the end. I think he’s down to 14…
Continued learning about tens and ones…
Started learning number words for 11-20…
Continued practicing fine motor skills…
Read more about Reddy Fox trying to catch Peter Rabbit. The joke was on Reddy Fox though as he got attacked by a nest of hornets in the process…
Drew a picture of Solomon’s temple and then made it into a puzzle. We talked about how the puzzle had to be put together correctly in order for the picture to look right just like Solomon had to build the temple according to God’s directions…
Pretended to be a raven bringing bread to Elijah…
Finished learning the hymn “Man of Sorrows”…
Made a page to add to his hymn notebook…
Verse 5 says, “When He comes our glorious King…” Samuel says this is a picture of that verse. Jesus is the guy with a blue face in the middle. The squiggles at the top are lightening and the orange person at the top of the page is God watching Jesus go to earth. The other people are bystanders. The two blue/purple ones have their hands on their cheeks in astonishment and the brown guy is a roman soldier holding a spear.