Monday, September 20, 2010

Kindergarten – Week 9

This week we started Unit 9 – Exiles in Babylon. 

We read about the people of Judah being taking as captives into Babylon and about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace…

Continued reviewing letters in handwriting…

09162010 (1) 09172010 (1)Started memorizing Romans 12:21 – Do not be overcome by evil.  Overcome evil with good.

Continued working on phonics with our explode the code workbooks…

09152010 (4) 09172010 (3)Did the hokey pokey to learn left and right…

Painted to illustrate how King Nebuchadnezzar saw someone else in the fire with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego…

09152010 (8) 09152010 (10) 09152010 (11)Continued reading with Hooked on Phonics and finished reading Mustang, a chapter book…

09162010 (7)Started learning addition in math…

09162010 (8)Worked on fine motor skills…

09162010 (10)Read about Daniel and the handwriting on the wall…

Traced and colored his own hand after looking at it under a magnifying glass…

09172010 (4) 09172010 (6) 09172010 (7)Started reading Goblins, his last chapter book for Hooked on Phonics.  He got so excited about it being the last one he read all five chapters in one day and completed his reading chart.  He has now finished Hooked on Phonics Kindergarten through 2nd grade! We went to Pizza Hut for dinner to celebrate!

09172010 (9) 09172010 (12)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Kindergarten – Week 8

This week we finished up Unit 9 – The Time of the Prophets.

We read about Jonah trying to run away from God…

About Joash and Josiah becoming kings of Judah when they were very young and following God’s way…

Practiced following directions and hiding just like Joash who listened to the priest and his wife and was safe from the queen…

09092010 (3) 09092010 (4)Reviewed all the letters we’ve learned so far…

09082010 (2)Finished learning Philippians 2:14…

Started Explode the Code Book 1 for phonics…

09082010 (3) 09092010 (2)Learned about dividing objects in half and in quarters for math…

09102010 (1)Continued reading about Peter Cottontail and wondered what was going on when all his friends told him goodbye till spring…

09082010 (6) 09082010 (7) 09082010 (10)Continued in our workbooks from Rod & Staff working on fine motor skills…

09082010 (5)Finished learning about weather in science and started learning about plants and how they grow…

09072010 (5)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Kindergarten – Week 7

This week we continued on with Unit 9 – The Time of the Prophets.

We read about Elijah being taken to heave on a chariot of fire and Elisha performing miracles like keeping a woman’s oil jar flowing and healing Naaman of leprosy…

Practiced handwriting…

08312010 (2)Continued memorizing Philippians 2:14.  Samuel loved the day we played “basketball” and he had to say his verse every time he got a goal…

09012010 (1)Finished up the Explode the Code primers we’d been doing for phonics and started Explode the Code 1…

08312010 (3) 09022010 (3)Got more stickers for his Hooked on Phonics chart…

09032010 (2)Learned the words for numbers 11-20…

08312010 (8) 08312010 (9) 09012010 (3) 09022010 (5) 09022010 (7)Continued reading The Adventures of Peter Cottontail and laughed when Reddy Fox got into some trouble with the hornets…

Continued practicing fine motor skills…

08312010 (10) 09032010 (10)Made a drawing with chalk and sugar water (to make the chalk glisten) of what he thinks heaven looks like…

08312010 (11) 08312010 (14)Saw how water can remove dirt from our skin, soap can remove oil, but only God can heal our sores and diseases like Naaman was healed…

09022010 (12)09022010 (11)

Learned that water can be a solid, liquid, or gas in science…


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