Friday, February 25, 2011

Kindergarten–Week 25

This was a fun week with LHFHG!  We finished up Unit 20 – The Spread of Christianity and started Unit 21 – The Age of Exploration. 

In history, we read about King Alfred, King Richard, the Indians, and Christopher Columbus.

Samuel kept working on handwriting.  He loves it when he finishes his lesson and gets to write a verse and decorate his page.

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We finished learning Psalm 119:105 and are now working on Psalm 96:4-5.

In math we started working on telling time.  So far, we’ve learned general times like morning, afternoon, and evening.  We also started learning how to tell time to the hour.

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We started a new book for story time – The Adventures of Chatterer the Red Squirrel.  We were immediately drawn into the story as it started out with Chatterer running for his life from Shadow the Weasel.  Samuel is really looking forward to finding out what happens.  He had to write 3 adjectives to describe himself and then draw a picture of himself.  He did a great job!

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The highlight of Samuel’s week was the day we read about Indians.  We made a tabletop Indian village and he loved it!  It is now inhabited by numerous Lego men and Star Wars figurines.  He has been playing with it non-stop.

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On Friday we went on a field trip with our homeschool group to Rainforest Adventures Zoo.  Samuel loved getting to see all the animals.  They mainly have snakes, lizards, birds, and other rainforest creatures, but they also had some larger animals outside.  We had a great time!

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There is a snake in here, but you can’t see it.  Samuel is just really into all things Egyptian right now and when he saw the Egyptian decorations he told me I had to take his picture with it!02252011 (10)

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Kindergarten–Weeks 23 & 24

I forgot to do an update last week, so this one is actually for the last 2 weeks.  I also haven’t done a very good job of taking pictures.  Hopefully, I’ll do better next week.

The past two weeks we did Unit 19 – Christianity in the Roman Empire and got about halfway through Unit 20 – The Spread of Christianity.  We read about many different men who helped spread Christianity throughout the world including St. Valentine, Polycarp, Augustine, St. Patrick, Boniface, and Charles the Great. 

We’ve continued working on handwriting and explode the code.  Samuel loves it when he gets to the end of a handwriting lesson and gets to write his verse and color the page. 

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In math, we continued working on addition and subtraction and actually finished that section.  We did a review of all we’ve learned so far, and starting next week we will be learning how to tell time.

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Samuel is continuing to do a great job with his reading.  He is working through the Emerging Reader set from Heart of Dakota.  He also loves to go to the library and get books he can read himself.  Lately, he’s been enjoying Henry and Mudge and Nate the Great books.

Samuel’s verse for Unit 19 was John 3:16.  He was so excited that it was a verse he already knew.  For Unit 20, we are now working on Psalm 119:105.

We’ve enjoyed reading The Adventures of Grandfather Frog.  We were worried when he got caught by Farmer Brown’s boy, but he was able to escape with some help from some of his friends only to jump into more trouble getting trapped in a spring.  Samuel was a little anxious about how the book would end, but Grandfather Frog finally made it back home to the Smiling Pond.  We’re looking forward to starting The Adventures of Chatterer the Red Squirrel next week.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Kindergarten–Week 22

This week we finished up Unit 18 – The Apostles Preach the Good News.  We read about Peter’s vision of clean and unclean animals, Peter in prison and being freed by an angel, Paul and Silas in jail, and Paul being shipwrecked on the island of Malta…

Continued working on subtractions, learned how to compare sets and figure out which one has more, and how to divide them fairly…

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Continued practicing reading from The Early Reader’s Bible (part of the Emerging Readers set)…

Finished learning “Up From the Grave He Arose” and Samuel drew a picture of what the song makes him think of…

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According to Samuel – this is the cross with 2 sleeping soldiers at the base, an angel on the left, the empty tomb and Jesus above it on the right.

Reviewed Bible verses we had learned in previous weeks.  Samuel remembered most of them and did a great job reciting them for me!

Read about Grandfather Frog going to explore the big world and getting into trouble with Bowser the Hound, making friends with Danny Meadow Mouse, and then getting captured by Farmer Brown’s Boy…

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Continued working on handwriting and explode the code…

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Built a model of Paul and Silas in jail…

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Oh no…EARTHQUAKE…the doors were opened!

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The jailer is afraid the prisoners have escaped.  Paul and Silas say, “It’s OK we’re all here.”

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The jailer asks, “What must I do to be saved?”

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