Wednesday, June 27, 2012

2012-2013 School Year

After much discussion and going back and forth on our decision, we have decided to continue using Sonlight.  We had thought about switching back to Heart of Dakota, but Samuel loves the Sonlight books and the science experiments so we are going to stick with it.  For 2nd grade, we will be covering World History.  We’ve already gotten our books and they all look like so much fun!  Samuel is excited!

So here is a list of what we will be using:

Sonlight Core B – Intro to World History, part 1

Sonlight Language Arts 3 – included with this will be MCP Phonics, A Reason for Handwriting, and Wordly Wise vocabulary

Sonlight Readers 3

Sonlight Science B – Samuel loves Sonlight science.  He really enjoyed all the hands on activities and projects last year and is excited to see what he will get to do this year.

Saxon Math 2

Teach Them Spanish 2 – I had planned on ordering La Clase Divertida for Spanish last year, but it never worked out.  I found this series at our local school supply store and we have really enjoyed it.  It’s not a complete language program, but it is at least introducing him to vocabulary.  In a couple of years, we will add in Rosetta Stone Spanish.

Samuel will also be taking 3 classes at our co-op – American History, Science, and World Geography.

I’ve been getting everything ready, and we should be kicking off 2nd grade on July 16th.  We are starting early so we will have plenty of time to take off as needed. 

Friday, June 8, 2012

School’s Out for Summer!

Samuel and I are finished with our school year.  He is officially done with 1st grade and will be starting 2nd grade in a few weeks.  We are only taking a break till July 16th so we can have more time off during the year.

I neglected my blog badly this past year and don’t have any pictures, but we loved our year with Sonlight.  Samuel really enjoyed the books and loved the science experiments and the DVD that came with the science program.  We had a great time learning about different time periods and cultures all around the world.  I’ll do another post soon showing what we will be doing for next year.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Hiking to Abrams Falls

One Saturday, we decided to drive up to Cades Cove and take Samuel hiking to Abram’s Falls.  The trail was 5 miles round trip and he walked the whole way.  He did great!  05122012 (2)

The hike was uneventful till we rounded the last corner before the falls and discovered that we were not the only ones who wanted to visit the falls that day…

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The crazy people at the falls were all trying to get close to the bears and take pictures with them.  These pictures look close up, but we were on a rock in the middle of the river.  We just have a really good zoom lens.  No way was I going anywhere close to a momma bear and her cub!

After the bears left, we got to enjoy the Falls.05122012 (30)

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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Orange and White Game

Adam has wanted to take Samuel to a UT football game since he was born, but was waiting for him to be old enough to sit through one.  This year, he decided to take him to the Orange and White game as a test to see if he was ready for a real game.  Samuel said it was fun but got bored before the end of the game.  Guess he might have to wait another year or two before going to a game that requires us to spend money buying a ticket.04212012 (2)

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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Samuel was excited to dig into his Easter basket after church.04082012 (3)

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Instead of candy, we stuffed his eggs with mini Star Wars guys04082012 (13)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Samuel’s a Green Belt

Samuel tested for and received his green belt!  He is doing a great job at karate and is excited about getting to start learning how to use somalis (short fighting sticks)

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Samuel’s 7th Birthday

After our day at Wonderworks, we came back home and let Samuel open gifts and eat his cake.  Samuel getting ready to open gifts

Are you ready for Kung Fu?

A Yoda alarm clock!

Thanks Uncle Jon!

Strike a pose!

Check out my Adidas shoes!

I love it!

I love it!


A couple of his gifts came by mail so he opened them when they arrived03112012 (4)

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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Fun at Wonderworks

Grandma, Gramps, Uncle Jon, Aunt Kristin, and Cora came to visit the weekend before Samuel’s birthday and we took them to Wonderworks.

Kissing cousins?!?

Adam & Samuel climbing up the rock wallDaddy's catching up!

Uncle Jon making it look easyJon's doing a good job

I'm winning!

These bike things were cool!  You get in and pedal and if you go fast enough you can flip upside down.  Uncle Jon and I flipped several times.  Gramps was by himself, but I think he managed to flip a few times too.Getting ready to pedal upside down

Getting ready to pedal up the hill

Samuel getting ready to go into space

Uncle Jon going into space

Samuel going up to the ropes courseSamuel going up the stairs to the course

Uncle Jon in the flight simulator

Gramps checking out the flight simulator and seeing if it’s the same as the real thingGramps in the flight simulator

Houston, we are go for launch.

More bubbles



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