Thursday, January 9, 2014

I'm Back & Changes to Our Homeschool

After a long break from blogging I am back.  There have been a lot of changes in the last year and a half.  Samuel is now halfway through 3rd grade and we have moved to a new house.  Over Christmas break we made the decision to switch from Sonlight back to Heart of Dakota.  While we enjoyed the books in Sonlight, we felt that all we were doing was reading and Samuel needed more hands-on activities.  I was supplementing with various things but it was making our day super long and no fun for either one of us, so the best choice was just to switch to something that had all the extras I wanted already built in.

If we had stuck with Heart of Dakota, Samuel would be in Bigger Hearts for His Glory this year, but we are saving that for next year.  We decided to use Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory even though he is on the older side for it so that he could get used to some of the extra writing and things that Heart of Dakota requires.  We are going through it at double speed so we will be finished by the end of this school year and then will pick up with Bigger Hearts in the fall.  We started on January 7th and so far it's going great.  Now that we have art projects, science experiments, and more I will have plenty of fun things to post on my blog again.

So our curriculum we are using the rest of the year is:

I also have not been able to get to my scrapbooking as much as I would like so decided restarting my blog would be a good way to keep track of family fun as well.  Samuel is playing basketball for the first time this season so that should be interesting.


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