Sunday, January 23, 2011

Kindergarten–Week 21

This week we finished up Unit 17 – Jesus’ Last Days on Earth and started Unit 18 – The Apostles Preach the Good News.  We had lots of fun this week!

We read about the great commission, Jesus returning to heaven, the Holy Spirit coming at Pentecost, and about Saul’s conversion on the road to Damascus…

Continued making progress in handwriting and explode the code…


Finished memorizing Matthew 18:20 and started reviewing a few verses from previous weeks…

Continued working on subtraction in math…



Read about Grandfather Frog leaving the Smiling Pool and heading out to see the world.  Samuel drew a picture showing his home…



Did a science experiment with baking soda & vinegar and watched raisins rise and fall in the liquid.  We talked about how cool it was to watch the raisin's rise and how it would be even more exciting to see Jesus rise in the air!




Created his own “tongue of fire” from Pentecost


Monday, January 17, 2011

Kindergarten–Week 20

This week we finished up Unit 16 – Jesus Dies and Lives Again and started Unit 17 – Jesus’ Last Days on Earth.  I completely forgot to take pictures this week, but here are the highlights.

We read about Jesus’ resurrection, Jesus appearing to 2 men on the road to Emmaus, Thomas doubting Jesus had risen until he touched his hands, and Jesus telling the disciples to go and tell the whole world that He is risen

…finished memorizing the Lord’s Prayer, and began memorizing Matthew 18:20

…continued working on subtraction in math

…continued reading the Adventures of Grandfather Frog, and laughed when he outwitted Longlegs the Blue Heron and Whitetail the Marsh Hawk

We also had an unexpected box day at the end of the week.  One thing I love about Heart of Dakota is the message board.  The ladies there are awesome women and give great advice and encouragement about homeschooling.  I had posted something on the boards about Samuel being ready to start the emerging readers, but that I wasn’t going to be able to order them till February and wondered what I could do with him till then to keep moving forward.  They gave me great advice as usual.  Then on Friday afternoon, Samuel went outside to play and there was a box on our front porch.  I wasn’t expecting anything and was a little confused, especially when I saw that it was from HOD.  I opened it and someone from the boards had anonymously sit us the entire emerging reader set so Samuel could go ahead and get started!  He was so excited and we were so blessed and thankful that someone would do this for us!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Kindergarten–Week 19

We started back to school this week after a great Christmas break.  This week we started Unit 16 – Jesus Dies and Lives Again.

This week we read about the Last Supper, Jesus praying in Gethsemane and being betrayed by Judas, Jesus taken before Pilate, and Jesus being crucified…

Finished all the review lessons in A Reason for Handwriting A and is now starting the “real” lessons.  Each week he practices words from a different Bible verse and then on Friday, he has to copy the entire verse and then gets to decorate his paper. He was so excited about this and had so much fun with it…01072011 (1)

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Began learning the Lord’s prayer…

Started the Emerging Readers with The Beginner’s Bible…

Continued working on subtraction in math…01072011 (4)

Started reading The Adventures of Grandfather Frog and are anxiously waiting to see if Billy Mink and Little Joe Otter will be successful in their prank on Grandfather Frog…01072011 (7)

Talked about how the world went dark when Jesus was crucified and drew a picture showing some of the differences in Night and Day…01072011 (8)

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Sunday, January 2, 2011

More Christmas…

We saw Adam’s family and celebrated Christmas with them over New Year’s weekend.  On New Year’s Eve, Aunt Wendy and Sarah Beth stopped by the house to drop off their gifts.  Samuel loves them!12312010 (1)

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Then we went to Nana’s house on New Year’s Day to open gifts and have lunch.01012011 (1)

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Samuel was so excited to get more nerf guns!01012011 (10)

On the way home, we stopped by to see Granny.  Samuel was glad to see her since she’s been sick and we haven’t been able to visit lately.01012011 (14)


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