We started back to school this week after a great Christmas break. This week we started Unit 16 – Jesus Dies and Lives Again.
This week we read about the Last Supper, Jesus praying in Gethsemane and being betrayed by Judas, Jesus taken before Pilate, and Jesus being crucified…
Finished all the review lessons in A Reason for Handwriting A and is now starting the “real” lessons. Each week he practices words from a different Bible verse and then on Friday, he has to copy the entire verse and then gets to decorate his paper. He was so excited about this and had so much fun with it…
Began learning the Lord’s prayer…
Started the Emerging Readers with The Beginner’s Bible…
Continued working on subtraction in math…
Started reading The Adventures of Grandfather Frog and are anxiously waiting to see if Billy Mink and Little Joe Otter will be successful in their prank on Grandfather Frog…
Talked about how the world went dark when Jesus was crucified and drew a picture showing some of the differences in Night and Day…
How very sweet!!! Looks like you all are having a great time!!
We are doing Unit 16 this week too!! :) It is so much fun- isn't it!? Samuel is doing so well!
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