Monday, October 25, 2010

Kindergarten–Week 12

This week we continued with Unit 11 – The Birth of Jesus.  We read about Mary and Joseph going to Bethlehem and having to stay a stable because there was no room at the inn and about the shepherds coming to see Jesus…

Finished learning the hymn “The Old Rugged Cross” and made a page for his hymn notebook…

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Samuel got a little graphic with his drawing.  He drew Jesus on the cross in the middle and the two thieve on either side.  He colored lots of blood and told me that the cross was very bloody.  The sky is black.  On the ground next to the cross is a Roman soldier on one side, and a sad follower of Jesus on the other.

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Continued working on handwriting and Explode the Code…

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Continued working on addition in math…

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Finished reading The Adventures of Peter Cottontail and started reading The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse…

Continued learning about plants in science…

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Kindergarten–Week 11

This week we finished up Unit 10 – Exiles in Babylon and started Unit 11 – The Birth of Jesus.

We read about Alexander the Great and his conquests and about the angel appearing to Mary and telling her that she would give birth to God’s son, Jesus…

Finished up A Reason for Handwriting Kindergarten, and started the next book…

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Finished learning Romans 12:21 and started learning Luke 2:52 – And Jesus grew in wisdom, in stature, and in favor with God and man…

Continued working through Explode the Code…

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Learned addition in math…

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Continued working on fine motor skills in our Rod & Staff workbooks…

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Laughed at Peter Rabbit trying to eat and get fat so he could hibernate all winter like his friends…

and learned about plants in science.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Kindergarten – Week 10

We had a lot going on and ended up stretching this week over 2 weeks.  Samuel went to Virginia with Grandma and Gramps to celebrate Noah’s birthday.  Also, I don’t know what happened this week, but I didn’t get any pictures of school.

We continued with Unit 10 – Exiles in Babylon.  This week we…

Read about Daniel in the lion’s den and Esther…

Continued reviewing letters we’ve already learned in handwriting…

Continued memorizing Romans 12:21…

Continued working on addition in math…

Read more of Peter Cottontail and laughed when he said he was going to eat till he got fat so he could hibernate like all his friends…

Started learning about plants in science.


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