Monday, August 25, 2008

Little Hands Towards Heaven - Unit 3

This unit was God Blesses Abraham. Our fingerplay this week was called "Clippity, Clippity" Samuel liked acting out the rhyme, but we didn't get to pretend to be any animals this week and he kept wanting to go back and do the rhymes from the last 2 units, so we did. We also worked on learing the Letter C this week. Our first story was about Abraham leaving his home behind. I told Samuel that Abraham had to go far, far away and Samuel said, "Like Uncle Jon" Then we worked on the Number Three page for our counting book. Samuel colored 3 suitcases to demonstrate that Abraham and Sarah packed their things and left home. Then we cut them out and glued them into the book.

The next day we read about how Abraham and Lot got to the end of their journey and Lot was selfish and took the best land, but God took care of Abraham anyway. We also made a Letter C out of cotton balls. Samuel loves anything that involves glue!

The third day we read about God's promise to make Abraham's descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky. We made a big C on the floor out of masking tape and Samuel had lots of fun driving his cars all over it.

For our art project, we painted stars on black construction paper using a crumpled paper towel and white paint. Then Samuel colored Abraham's tent and we glued that to the page.

The next day we read about the three angels who came to visit Abraham and Sarah and told them they would have a son by that time the next year. Then we worked on our C worksheet.

The final day we ready about God testing Abraham by asking him to sacrifice Isaac. We also looked at baby pictures and talked about how Samuel is growing up just like Isaac grew up. Samuel loves to look at any kind of pictures of himself so he thought this was lots of fun.

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