Monday, December 15, 2008

Little Hands Toward Heaven - Unit 8

This unit was on the Exodus. We did a rhyme called Let My People Go. We also worked on learning the letter G. We started out the unit by reading the story of Passover and how the Israelites marked their doors with blood so the angel would passover them and not kill their first-born son.

The next day, we read about how the Pharoah was sorry he didn't listen to God because his son died and so he told Moses that they could go. We also made a letter G out of cotton balls. Of course, this was one of Samuel's favorite activities because he got to use glue!

The next day we read about the Israelites leaving Egypt and how God lead them with a cloud during the day and a pillar of fire at night. We worked on our Number Eight page for our number book. Samuel glued pictures of different kinds of jewelry on the page to represent the things the Israelites were given as they left Egypt.

Samuel also did his Letter G worksheet. He did a great job finding the Letter G's on the page in the different sentences.
The third day we read about God parting the Red Sea so the Israelites could walk across on dry land, and how the Pharoah's army drowned when they tried to follow them. We did an art activity where we put strips of tape down the center of the paper and Samuel painted to whole page to look like the sea. Then, when he was done we pulled up the strips of tape to show the path where the Israelites walked. Samuel thought that was pretty neat.

On the last day, we read about how God provided for the Israelites by giving them manna and quail to eat, and water from a rock to drink. Samuel laid down on the floor and pretended to sleep. When he woke up, there was manna scattered all over the ground. He did a great job picking up the manna. I directed him to pick up different numbers of pieces to put in the basket and he did a good job counting them out. He loved this activity and we did it over and over again.

We are now officially on Christmas break until after the first of the year. We have loved Little Hands so far and can't wait to pick it back up in January. We will have 25 units left and the plan is to do about 3 days of school a week and finish up just before Christmas in 2009.

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