Monday, April 27, 2009

Little Hands Toward Heaven - Unit 13

We finally got back into the routine of doing school after taking some time off to pack, move, get settled, etc. Samuel was glad to be doing stuff again. He loves school, especially the crafts!

This unit was about David. We started out by learning about David as a shepherd. Here Samuel was working on an art project of David in the field with his sheep. We tore peices of paper to be clouds. Then Samuel drew a river and some flowers on the paper. Then we glued cotton balls on the page to be the sheep.

The next day we read about how David loved God and enjoyed playing music and singing songs to Him. We also worked on our Letter K worksheet. Samuel has been doing a great job of finding the letters on the page each week.

The next day, our story was about David and Goliath. We had a lot of fun this day. First, we did an activity where Samuel had to choose a toy. Then I would tell him to go find another toy that was bigger, and on and on until he got tired. He did a great job and we had several Star Wars men lined up by the end.

Then we made our Letter K on the floor which is always Samuel's favorite part of any of the units.

We also did an art activity. It's hard to see in the pictures, but Samuel drew a shepherd's staff on one side of the paper. On the other side, he drew 5 circles to represent the stones that David picked up. Then he drew a line from the stones to the bottom of the page to show that the stone hit Goliath and he fell down dead.

Our next story was about Jonathan and David being good friends. We talked about how good friends treat each other (ex. sharing toys, taking turns, etc.) which was a good lesson for Samuel since he sometimes has problems with these things at church. We also did an letter K craft by gluing cotton balls on the letter k.

The last day of the unit, we read about how David and his men found Saul asleep, but David would not allow any of his men to harm him. We also read a devotional about being kind to others.

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