This week we continued with the letter T and started learning how to write a capital T. He is doing a great job with writing his letters. I think in a couple more weeks I'm going to move our language arts and handwriting back up to full speed. We've been taking 2 weeks to do 1 week of work because he seemed to have a hard time with all the writing and complained a lot that his hand hurt. He's doing a lot better now and I think he can handle doing all the work now.
We've been reading books this week about fish and fishermen. We did a couple of fish crafts. My favorite was a whale that we made. Samuel had to cut it out and put it together, but then he insisted on having me draw Jonah inside the whale's tummy. It was pretty funny! He loves the story of Jonah.
We have started getting a little bit busier now that public schools are back in session. During the school year, we have AWANA at church and this year, Samuel is old enough for Children's Choir and Kids on Mission on Sunday nights. He loves both of them and is super excited that he is now a "big kid". He is also playing soccer again this season and is doing a lot better this time then he did last season. I'll have some pics from his games up soon.
Anyway, here's some school pics for this week.
Working in his Explode the Code book (phonics practice)
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