Friday, December 18, 2009

School Changes

We've decided to make a few changes in our school when we start back after the first of the year. I really like Sonlight, but it seems that Samuel is more of a hands-on learner. He doesn't seem to have as much fun just reading, and doesn't seem to be retaining much of what we read. So, we have decided to switch back to Heart of Dakota. We both loved it, it was easy for me to teach, and Samuel still remembers most of what we did while we were using it. We will be using Little Hearts for His Glory. We may return to Sonlight in the later years, but for now we're sticking with HOD. Samuel has been doing well with the Sonlight LA program we've been using, so we will continue with that until we finish it at the end of this school year. HOD actually uses the same handwriting program we've been using so that won't be a big switch. It also schedules in the Rod & Staff Workbooks we've been using for readiness skills so that won't change either. HOD includes all of our other subjects so we will not need to add anything else to it. We will continue to read the Sonlight books we have since we haven't finished all of them yet, but will use them more for fun reading and not for school.


Jen@balancing beauty and bedlam said...

iSN'T THAT the beauty of homeschooling. So glad you can make a change that you love. He's getting so big, :) Precious.

Luke Holzmann said...

May you continue to find the right tools that are best for you and your family!

Glad you're still going to enjoy the Sonlight titles, even though you are moving to another program.

Keep up the great work!



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