Friday, February 19, 2010

PreK - Week 22

This week we continued with Unit 3 - Abraham and His Descendants. We read about God asking Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, Isaac marrying Rebekah, the birth of Jacob & Esau, and Jacob stealing Esau's birthright and blessing. We also continued working on Proverbs 20:11 as our memory verse.

For handwriting, we've been learning the letter O this week. Samuel has been doing a great job with his writing. He has really started to slow down and take his time and it makes a huge difference in the results!

In math, Samuel has been learning the concepts of more and less. We've been looking at two groups of objects, deciding which group has more or less depending on the day, and then how many more or how many less it has. It took him a little while to get the concept, but he's pretty good at it now.

We're still enjoying reading about Reddy Fox. This week, Granny Fox caught a chicken for Reddy's dinner, but then she left it behind while she chased a rabbit. When she went back to get it, the chicken was gone and she was very mad that someone took her chicken. For one of our activities, Samuel had to draw a picture of Granny Fox being mad and you'll see that in the pictures coming up. He had a lot of fun with it!

In science this week we learned about the sense of smell. We experimented by smelling different things around the house (spices, flavorings, etc) and also read several library books on the subject.

Practicing writing o's

Working on his O letter sheet. This activity comes from Sonlight LAK. He had to choose the pictures that started with the letter O and glue them on the paper. Why would they use opossum as one of the pictures for a child just learning to read and write? He got so upset with me because I told him to use that one and he kept insisting that it starts with P not O. Once we got that straightened out, everything was fine.

Working on math - I was giving him two different sets of legos and he had to count them, write the number, and then tell me which had more.

Math again only with fruit loops this time

And math again...this time he was counting sets of spoons and forks

After reading our chapter in Reddy Fox, I wrote at the top of the page "________ feels _______. Granny Fox feels _________." He filled in his name in the first blank and said that he felt happy and was playing games then he filled in that Granny Fox was mad. He drew pictures to illustrate each sentence.

The finished product...the top picture is Samuel feeling happy. He is on the left and is wearing his UT backpack and is in the field playing games. The person in the middle is a scarecrow. I am the person on the right and am taking pictures. I don't know why we don't have legs. Usually he draws people with legs, but who knows what he was thinking that day.
The picture of Granny Fox is on the bottom. She is on the left. I'm not sure what the other person? animal? on the right is and Samuel wouldn't tell me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Samuel! Your HOD work is looking awesome!

In Christ,
Julie (one of your mom's fellow HODies)


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