Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Things He Says…

Samuel comes up with some crazy stuff sometimes.  He amazes me and scares me at the same time with some of the things he says.  The other day he was playing and I was cleaning the house and we were listening to his Singing Bible CD  (Little side note: This CD came with Little Hands to Heaven and Samuel absolutely loves it.  We listen to it all the time.  If you have young kids this is a great way for them to learn a lot of the Bible stories).  Anyway, it was the song about Adam and Eve and Samuel said, “Mommy, if that tree was bad, why did God put it in the garden anyway?”  I tried to explain to him that it was because God allows us to make choices, but I don’t think he got it.

Then, this weekend, Samuel, Adam, and I were in the car running around and Samuel got into trouble for something.  After a few minutes of pouting, he said, “Daddy, I asked Jesus into my heart and told him to take away my sins but I still do bad things.  Why can’t I be good?”  Adam was trying to explain to Samuel that he has the same problem and that we will never be perfect. 

(Side note: We aren’t sure if Samuel has actually asked Jesus into his heart or if he just says that.  He actually says it a lot and he knows the story about Jesus dying on the cross for his sins, but we aren’t sure if he really understands it or if he’s just repeating back what he’s heard.  He’s never prayed with one of us to accept Christ, but he says he’s prayed by himself.  We’ll see as he gets older and can explain it better.)

Anyway, I’m just scared if he comes up with questions like this when he’s 5, what he’s going to come up with as he gets older.  We’ll have to stay on our toes to keep up with him!

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