Saturday, December 11, 2010

Kindergarten–Week 18

This week we finished up Unit 15 – The People Praise Jesus and now we are officially on break till after the new year.  We were going to go one more week before breaking, but we have too many other things coming up and decided that this was a good place to stop for now.

This week we…

Read about Jesus healing the blind man, Zaccheus, Jesus riding into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, and Jesus clearing the temple…

Finished all the practice lessons in A Reason for Handwriting A.  When we come back after Christmas, he will start on the “real” lessons and will be writing a bible verse each week…

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Memorized Mark 11:9…

(You will have to scroll to the bottom of the page and stop the music before watching)

Continued making progress on Explode the Code.  He loves doing his workbook pages each day!

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Continued working on subtraction for math…

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Finished reading The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse.  At first we were worried that Danny Meadow Mouse would be caught by the hawk, but luckily he escaped into a can.  Unfortunately Reddy Fox knew he was in there and we were worried that he might have actually been caught, but Danny Meadow Mouse was able to outsmart him and the book ended on a happy note…

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Got to experience a little of what it would be like to be blind by trying to get to different locations in the house with his eyes closed.  He also did a couple of drawings with his eyes closed and did pretty well…

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Painted a tree in art to show how Zaccheus had climbed in a tree to see Jesus…

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Talked about old & new things and how we should take care of the things God gives us especially His house and His word and experimented in science by cleaning a penny and making it look new again…

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