Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas with the Howards!

The Tuesday after Christmas we drove up to Virginia to stay with Aunt Jennifer, Uncle Scott, Noah and Jack for a few days. Grandma and Gramps (Stephanie's parents) and Uncle Jon and his girlfriend, Kristin, were there as well. We missed getting to see Uncle Steven and Aunt Lydia this year!

Tuesday was Grandma's birthday, so we all went out to dinner that night. We were going to wait until the next evening to open gifts, but the kids just couldn't wait so we went ahead and did them that night. The kids all had a lot of fun and enjoyed all their gifts. Jen & Scott had gotten their kids a Wii for Christmas so we spent many hours over the next few days playing Wii bowling, canoeing, ping pong, frisbee golf, and many more fun games. Even Grandma and Gramps enjoyed the Wii!

Since we were in Virginia and it was cold and snowy, we really didn't get a chance to go out and do anything. We just mainly stayed at the house, played Wii, and let the three little guys play and have fun as long as the didn't kill each other. There were no serious bodily injuries so I guess that worked out OK. We got up Saturday morning and drove home.

Adam has been off work since Christmas Eve and Samuel and I have been off school since Dec. 13th so Monday will be back to normal. We'll see how that goes!

I'm not sure what Samuel was doing in this picture, but the face cracks me up!
Jon and Kristin get cake pans for their respective teams - Tennessee and Michigan.
Dad was super excited about Season 5 of Lost
Maybe I should have really given him Froot Loops. He looks pretty excited about them and he doesn't even know that there's a shirt inside -- yet!
Mom checking out the carbs in the huge box of candy Jon got her. Guess she should have told him she was going low carb!
Jack and Noah - What did Uncle Jon get us now? A human hamster ball! Cool! How many ways can we injure ourselves in this?
A Clone Trooper helmet! Uncle Jon is the best! (Mommy's glad it wasn't a human hamster ball like Noah and Jacks!)
Of course, Jon has to play with all the kids' toys.

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