Friday, January 15, 2010

PreK - Week 18

We had another great week with Little Hearts for His Glory (LHFHG). Since this is a Kindergarten/First Grade program and Samuel is only PreK right now, we have only been doing it 3 days a weeks. We do phonics, handwriting, and math everyday and read library books about whatever we've been studying in history and science on the days we don't do LHFHG.

So, the first part of this week we finished up Unit 1 - The Beginning of History. We read the story of creation and talked about how God had created the world, the animals, and Adam and Eve. For science, we read about several different animals that God has made. We continued learning Matthew 19:14 and Samuel amazed me at how well he could say it! We've still been reading about Reddy Fox for storytime, and Samuel loves the story. Reddy Fox has been showing off and thinking he's smart and has gotten himself into a bit of trouble. One of his assignments this week was to write a note to Reddy Fox warning him about being too bold. Here's what he wrote:

Dear Reddy Fox,
Stop thinking you are so smart. You are going to get hurt by Bowser the Hound. Farmer Brown will be so mad. Don't take the chickens! Bowser the Hound will trap the chicken into the trash can and you won't get any Reddy Fox!

At the end of the week, we started Unit 2 - The People Sin. We read about Adam and Eve disobeying God by eating the fruit and having to leave the Garden of Eden. For science, we read about snakes and Samuel picked out a bunch of snake books from the library to read. We also started learning Ephesians 6:1 - "Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right" for our memory verse.

In math, we have been working on counting objects which is mainly just review for Samuel. We are also working on writing the numbers 1-5 probably. He's had a bit of trouble with 2's and 3's but I think he's getting the hang of them now.

This week was a review week for our language arts program, so we didn't work on any new letters. Here, Samuel had to pick up a picture, tell me what letter it started with and what sound it made, and then write the letter on the white board.

After reading about God creating animals in the sea and on land for history, and then reading about some of those animals in science, we played a game. The blue paper represents water and the black paper represents land. I named various animals and Samuel had to stand on the correct paper showing if they lived in the land or the water.
Working on his math workbook
Coloring in one of his Rod & Staff workbooks

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