Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!

This year we've been super busy and I didn't do as much for Easter as we normally do. We had to be at church super early on Sunday because Adam and I were both in the Easter musical and we had to be there to practice. Then, we were going to Wendy and Kevin's house for lunch with Adam's family. We made a brief stop at the house in between church and lunch so we could give Samuel his Easter stuff.

I'm a slacker and didn't even do a basket this year :( But we did get him a 1 lb chocolate bunny that he was very excited about.

And, we gave him a Bible. All he's had up till now are story Bibles so he was excited about getting his very own "real" Bible. It's in the NIrV and he can read it himself. Now I need to start teaching him the books of the Bible and how to look up passages.

After that, we headed to Wendy and Kevin's house for lunch. Adam and I have suspected for about a year and a half now that Samuel is allergic to animals. He's been to the allergist and been tested and supposedly is only allergic to dust and pollen. However, we hadn't been at Wendy and Kevin's more than 45 minutes or an hour when he had a major allergic reaction. We rushed home, gave him some Benadryl and a bath and he was fine, but I'm definitely going to be taking this pics with me when we go to the allergist on the 15th for his follow up appointment. I'm going to ask them to have him retested. This is the 4th time he's broken out around animals, but this is by far the worst it's ever been.

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