Friday, April 23, 2010

PreK – Week 26

This week we started Unit 5 - The Exodus out of Egypt.  For history we read about the Passover, the Israelites leaving Egypt, and the parting of the Red Sea.  Samuel loves the story of Moses, so we had a lot of fun with it this week. We read about how God led the Israelites with a pillar of fire at night and a cloud by day. We used a flashlight to be the pillar of fire leading the Egyptians and took turns following each other around the house.  For science we read some books about clouds, and then we did a little science experiment about how clouds carry water and then when they get too heavy they rain.

For our bible verse we started learning Matthew 22:37 - "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.  This is the first and great commandment.  And the second is like it: you shall love your neighbor as yourself."  This is the longest verse Samuel has had to learn to date so we'll see how he does.

We've continued reading about Reddy Fox and this week he got himself into trouble because he disobeyed Granny Fox's instructions.  We only have a few more chapters of the book left and Samuel's getting excited about finishing it.

In math, we've begun learning nonstandard forms of measurement.  We got to  measure books and other objects using Legos.  We also ordered objects from longest to shortest and vice versa.

This week we learned to read and write the letter K.  Samuel has some trouble making a K.  He can't seem to remember to make the arms meet in the middle which makes his K look more like a bracket of some sort.  He'll get the hang of it though.  He always does.

Samuel's been moving right along with his reading also.  He surprises me every time we're out by reading a sign, or label, or something that I didn't think he could read.  At this rate, we'll have Hooked on Phonics finished up early this fall. 

Working on his K letter sheet04062010 (2) 04062010 (4)

Showing off his “cloud” – a cotton ball.  We felt it when it was dry, and then soaked it with water to see if it would “rain”, and…04132010 (2) 04132010 (4)

…it did! 04132010 (5)

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