Saturday, October 4, 2008

Soccer Game #4: Stingrays vs Barracudas

We were getting ready for Samuel's soccer game on Saturday morning and he wanted to wear his Batman mask in the car. He ended up keeping it on until we got to the field. He didn't want to take it off so Adam told him he could warm up with it on but would have to take it off when it was time to play.

Once we made him take it off, he got really upset and wasn't going to play. But, one of the mom's had brought cupcakes for the team since it was her daughter's birthday and Samuel wanted one. We told him he could only have one if he played with his team so he got on the field really quick. Here they are lined up before the game. Samuel's the one on the right with his back to us.

Lining up for the kick-off

Playing the game

There were some holes near the field and someone had the bright idea to fill them in with sand. So when they weren't in the game, this is what they all wanted to do.

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