Monday, July 21, 2008

We're Homeschooling!

Adam and I have made a decision to homeschool Samuel. Yes, we both went to public schools and turned out fine, but that was a few years ago and things have changed since then. We have prayed, talked to other families that homeschool, I've read books and researched like crazy, and we both feel that this is what we are led to do at least through elementary school. After that, we'll reevaluate and decide whether to continue or to go to public school or private school at that time. We have several reasons for our decision, here's a few of them:

  • wanting a Christian education but not wanting to pay the cost of private school

  • seeing/hearing about things that went on in public schools when I was working at DCS

  • I can teach Samuel the same things as the school in less than half the time each day

  • ability to choose or design a curriculum for Samuel's individual strengths/weaknesses, learning style, etc.

  • many more that I don't have the time to list

For those of you worried about socialization, he will have plenty of chances to be around other kids at church, Sunday school, AWANA, community sports, etc. We have also joined a homeschool group that has once a week classes, field trips, park days, Valentines & Christmas parties, graduation for Kindergarten, 8th grade, and high school, and lots of clubs like 4-H, boy scouts, and others. We are going to be doing some preschool/PreK stuff over the next couple of years to get used to the routine and things before he starts Kindergarten and we have to report to the school district. We are using an awesome preschool curriculum from Heart of Dakota (The link is to the right) and Samuel loves it! You'll probably be seeing lots of pictures and stories of what we're doing.


Demarie said...

Good for you! We have not made a decision yet as to whether we will be homeschooling or not. (Our daughter did go to a church pre-school last year.) I look forward to reading more about this new adventure in your family!


Anonymous said...

Well that's awesome! I've been thinking about doing the same thing once Steven and I have kids, but that decision will have to be made later. ;) I agree, there are a lot of BAD things happening around even elementary schools these days, unfortunately. And the Christian schools are often just as bad as public ones, even though they are more supervised. :( We'll have to talk to you about homeschooling once the time for our decision rolls around. My brothers and I were homeschooled by my mom for a number of years (up until 5th grade for me), so I kind of remember it, but don't fully know the benefits from a parent's perspective. Anyway, good luck! :D


Sarah at SmallWorld said...

Welcome to homeschooling and to BHEA!


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