Friday, August 8, 2008

Little Hands Toward Heaven - Unit 2

I apologize in advance because this will probably be a long post. I found a cool new thing called Blurb, where you can take your blog posts and turn them into a scrapbook. So, I'll probably be a little longwinded on our school posts from now on because at the end of the year I'm going to have them made into a scrapbook to document each year of school.

Anyway, on to the fun stuff. This unit was on The Earth and the Flood. We did a fun fingerplay each day called "Noah's Big Boat". Samuel loved getting to act like all the different animals on the ark. We started this unit last week by reading about how God told Noah to build the ark. Also, since our letter of the week is the Letter B, we read a devotional about what it means to behave. Samuel knew all the answers to the questions, now to see if he puts it into practice! For our Counting Book, we added the Number Two page. We traced Samuel's hands and then he colored them and talked about how Noah built the ark with his two hands.

On Tuesday we read about how God sent 2 of each animal to get on the ark with Noah. Since we're working on the Letter B this week, I drew a letter B for him to paint. He loves to paint because he gets to make a mess!

Samuel had tons of fun on Wednesday! We read about Noah taking his family into the boat and it raining for 40 days and 40 nights. Then, for a science project, we gathered some items from around the house and dropped them in a tub of water to see which ones would sink and which ones would float like Noah's ark.

On Thursday, we talked about how God sent a rainbow to Noah and his family as a reminder that He loved them and would never flood the earth again. We tore up some different colored construction paper and then Samuel glued them onto a black piece I had cut in the shape of a rainbow. He loves anything that involves glue so he really enjoyed this art project!

On Friday, we moved on to the Tower of Babel. We read about how the people were proud and tried to build a tower up to God so he stopped the building by causing them all to speak different languages. We used blocks to count and see how high of a tower we could build before it would fall down. We also made a giant B on the floor out of masking tape and covered it with blocks to learn the shape of the letter. Samuel was supposed to practice writing Letter B's but he decided it was too hard and wanted to make A's instead. Oh well, he'll learn one day!

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