Thursday, October 29, 2009

Gatlinburg Vacation - Part 1

We went to Gatlinburg for vacation for a week. The fall colors were awesome and we had a lot of fun.

Adam and Samuel relaxing in our room

On Saturday we did a short hike near the visitor's center. It made a loop past an old cabin and then there was a fork that went to a waterfall called Cataract Falls and we did both of them. It was only about a mile long, but we were trying to get Samuel warmed up so we could do some longer hikes later in the week.

Samuel thought this tree along the trail was pretty cool

The log cabin on the trail

Cataract Falls
Sunday we took Samuel to ride the go-carts. Adam had been wanting to take him for awhile and he was finally tall enough to be allowed to ride. They both had tons of fun.

After that, we went to Dollywood for the rest of the day. Samuel is now 42 inches tall and loved showing off his orange bracelet - Dollywood gives different colored bracelets for different heights to show what rides you can ride. He wouldn't ride any of the usual rides he likes because he said those rides were for little kids and he is a big boy now. He did have fun getting to ride the new rides that he was big enough for like the swings, bumper cars, and Blazing Fury roller coaster.
Samuel in our room

Monday the weather was really nice and we had planned to go hiking, but Samuel was acting tired and grumpy so we decided to just take it easy for the day. We did get out and play miniature golf. This was the first time we've played with Samuel that he actually tried to play and got involved in the game. Normally he just swings his club at things on the course and throws his ball down the hole whenever he feels like it. He did really good and actually got a couple of holes in one without any help from us. He even got a hole in one on the last hole and won himself a free game!
Adam teaching Samuel how to play golf
Samuel with the ticket for his free game. He was so proud of it!
After golf, we went walking around Gatlinburg for a little while. Samuel saw this horse and insisted that we take his picture on it. I'm not sure what look he was going for :)

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